Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Perfect Summer Day

I've been in such a weird mood for the last couple days. I think wanderlust is taking over me. I just have this feeling.. and I don't know what can cure it. I really don't. I've just had this feeling of instability... like nothing is set in stone. Because nothing is. I need to be back on a schedule. Last year, I has a secure schedule... and now, I don't have a job or go to school (partly because it's Summer) but still. Gloria's family does everything in the world for me and I want to be able to give back. I mean, yeah, soon it's going to start falling back into place. But I want it to do so now. ): I'm tired of waiting. I'm tired of waiting for my life to fall back into place. Tomorrow I am going to figure out my FAFSA stuff as well as call on the Secret Shopper thing. OH and apparently Stara wants me to babysit Ariana. Awesome notice Lol, she texts me this morning to start watching her tomorrow and on. Whatever, it's easy money and I'm going to take advantage of it. I just can't wait for things to start happening again. Soon, very soon.

People keep asking me to hang out. "We gotta hang out soon" yadayadadadaa. I just... why don't I have any motivation to 'hang out' with people? I mean, I'm constantly with Gloria and her family, we're like attached at the hip. But everytime I go out with anyone else, I get weirdly homesick. Even last night, I just felt like coming home because I wanted to be home. And I hate living here. It's just a really weird thing. I don't understand what's happening with me. What is wrong with me? Why am I suddenly so antisocial? Is it laziness? Lack of motivation? I wish I knew the solution. I wish I could go into the future and then go back and tell myself what I don't know now. Like when I read this in the future... hopefully I'll know and have fixed the problem by then. I mean. That'd be good.

Yesterday I worked out at the rec center with Gloria and her family. I was "Deanna" for the day, so I got in free cause they all have memberships. :P Once my FAFSA comes in, I'm going to get a membership as well. :D I think it'd be really good for me. I need to start getting back on track anyway. Losing weight isn't even the biggest deal anymore. I just want to be healthy. To feel healthy. I love feeling like I can run a marathon and be okay. One day I will get better. Anyway, after we worked out we went home and showered. Then made sandwhiches and went to Flagstaff and had a picnic :) Then we went to see The Amazing Spiderman and OMFG fjaguibhuon ai ognRRVBA; IT WAS SO PERFECT. GOD. It was seriously one of the best movies I've ever seen. And on opening night of The Dark Knight Rises, I'm going to go see that too. :D I just love going to the movies :P Helps me escape. Oh and we went to Dennys afterward and had a "family" dinner. It was a pretty great day, it was just so long. Okay, yeah.

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