Friday, June 15, 2012

Confessions of a Fucking Dumb Ass

A quarter of the way through summer and I have done nothing. Well, a few things here and there but nothing at all too special. It was weird, I actually spent the last few days at lacey's house hanging out with her. It was surprisingly refreshing and enjoyable :) I really felt like we connected our friendship together again. It almost felt like we had never stopped being friends. I loved it. :) We just made silly videos and took lots of pictures in her room and in her pool :P We also planned that on Nicole's 18th birthday we are all gonna go clubbing at Club Afterlife again! Since Nicole and Lacey woulda just turned 18! It's gonna be good.

So, I need to stop being so stupid. Like... I'll have something good. A friendship or a potential relationship. And then I'll just do stupid shit that fucks it all up. Like, and then they don't even listen to you when you try to talk to them and fix it. Stupid. Idk, that's just like my thought of the day. STOP BEING SO DAMN STUPID, KATI. JUST STOP IT. Yep,

I can't stop listening to the Black Keys. I love them. I love love love love them. THEY WANNA GET MAAAAHHH GOLD ON THE CEILINGGGG. Haha, ugh, I wanna go to bullhead. I miss my brother. And I really want to see Rocky again. His phone is off right now but we've been talking again... he forgave me for that stupid thing I did last Spring Break (How cliche) and it's been good. But... idk, he just lives 4 hours away so it'd never really work out. And no way would I ever move to Bullhead LOLOLOL get out. Hm. Well, yeah. It's nice to be brunette again. Although, it's more of a dark.. brunette lol :P

OMG! I forgot to mentionnnn! Gavin Bonkowski? That guy I met at the club a couple weeks ago? Yeah, he actually requested me on facebook and messaged me! And now we text! It's great. He's a really nice guy and I'd like to hang out with him again next time I go to Phoenix (; Should be gooooood.

Yup and I'm picking Jimmy up once he gets off work and we're gonna go out to Verde Lakes and watch the last three Harry Potter's. :) And I'm spending the night at his house! Ah, I'm so excited. It's gonna be fuuuuun. ((:

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Today is June 3, 2012. So, obviously a little over a week ago, I graduated from High School. It was such a surreal experience. The day before, we had Graduation Practice and I got a gnarly sunburn. So...that kind of sucked. I was all tomato-licious for my Graduation day. Yaaaaay. Basically, the morning of graduation, I watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban with Gloria. Then I went home and showered and everything. Well, at my mom's house. :P My Aunt Flo and Uncle Gene came into town for Memorial day and my graduation so that was really cool. And I got sooo much money for graduation! Well, I mean, to ME it was a lot. :P I don't know how much all together lol. It was nice though. John and I walked together :) and we were in the very front, so we were in like, all of the pictures! It was really cool. I didn't cry during Graduation.. I feel like I was just floating along the entire night. It was odd. I still haven't cried at all. I guess it just really hasn't hit me yet. 
And  for some weird reason, I am NOT looking forward to going to Yavapai. Or for working. I just wish I could travel. Idk. I know I can't. But that's the only thing I want to do. But I will obviously never make anything of myself if all I do is sit around and wish to be somewhere else. I need to get up and get out and MAKE it happen!
Meh. So last week, Gloria flew to Seattle. Since she and I have spent every waking moment together for the past three months, I've been having a really hard time without her. She comes back this weekend but ughhh it just seems so far away. She mah best friend :( We even started our Harry Potter marathon that we've been trying to do and we've watched all but the last two Deathly Hallows meeeehhhhhhh. She just needs to freaking come back so I can enjoy life again. It's freakin ridiculous how much I miss her. Poop. I've just been hanging out with Cheyenne, James, Jackie and John a lot lately. I've been just go go go. Last night, John, Jackie and I went to Club Afterlife in Scottsdale. I drove John's moms car. :P It was kinda scary cause I've never driven in Phoenix before but it was something I had to experience. I'll never learn until I just do it! So, yeah ((: The club was a lot of fun. The dancing was a little crazy for my taste but I think next time I go, I'll just drink a little before I go in and that'll loosen me up a little bit haha. :p Idk, or not. Whatever. I danced with a couple guys, all of which were icky. Except one who was totally hot but then tried to get me to dance on the table haha I was like No thankssss. lol, But I totally met my soulmate there. 

His name is Gavin Bonkowski. All night I was scoping him out. But this guy named Daniel was like stalking us and little did we know, they were best friends! (Left/Blue shirt: Daniel) (Right/Black shirt: Gavin<3) I pretty much tried to get Daniel to hook me up with Gavin haha but he was all weird and jealous about it, lmfao. Gavin is 21, he doesn't smoke or drink and he looks like a more buff Chris Hemsworth with green eyes and a baby face <3 He's adorable. Idk, I found them on facebook but you never know, I could never see them again. Or they could be like, "Wtf shes a stalker, abort friendship" ahahah. But as of right now, I'm totally mesmerized by this guy and aaahh I can't stop thinking about him ((: Anyway, yeah I've just been doing some crazy stuff lately and I'm glad cause I just need to get out there and have some fun. Life is way too short <3